yesterday, Howling Wolf held the "Seringai-Generasi Menolak Tua: in store DVD signing"... the boys are releasing their documentary DVD on this event...

Arian13, Ricky, Khemod and Sammy prep-up for their pack of wolf...

it was raining heavy outside of the shop, but people are still coming for the event... and many showed up on their cool sickle... Sammy on his Yamaha XS...

Robert's CB...

Ronny's CBs... built by MasTom Custom.... sweeet...!!
thanks a lot guys...!! can't wait for the next release...
for those of you who like to get your hands on the DVD, you could visit Howling Wolf on Jalan Cipete Raya no. 65, Jakarta 12430... or by email:
Big ups from Howling Wolf and Seringai. SSMC fukkin' rule!!!