Tuesday, March 23, 2010

the answer...

... for Wra's question... i stole the picture from here... more of them on Big Moon... they also got a super cool Sportster too..!!

for Sammy and Iqbal: whadaya think bor...?? =)


  1. Eyes-poking bike!! Mesti dimulusin lagi ni si neng di rumah ;D -Sammy

  2. dimandi kembangin skalian...bwahahahah

  3. ahahahahahaha... by the way, how bout the trip to Kebon Jeruk III...?? the "young date" is coming... (if you know what i mean..)

  4. Sori baru bales lagi, biasa lah bolak balik New York jadi gak sempet cek internet *ape lagi.. Next "young date'" lah mister. i already have tail light, i keep company you only, but it's okay i want want anyway (aku mau mau aja) hahaha... Tapi kalo ada lampu sein lucu boleh juga sih. Nabung buat Avon Speedmaster MK2 dulu nih x)
